Another initiative taken to attract more institutional and long-term money to the Chinese stock market came in July, when the insurance regulator, the CIRC, announced rule changes that allow insurance companies to outsource fund management to third parties. 今年7月,中国保监会宣布新规,允许保险公司委托第三方进行资金管理。此举也旨在吸引更多机构投资者和长线资金进入中国股市。
The purpose of bringing down the yield of long-term Treasuries is to squeeze money out of the Treasuries market, thereby increasing activity in the investment market. 推低长期国债利率,是要把资金从国债市场挤出来,活化投资市场。
Allow the bank issues the stocks and long-term float bonds, etc. on the capital market to make the funds move back to the money market. 允许银行在资本市场发行股票、发行长期金融债券等使资金得以从资本市场回流到货币市场。
Cointegration testing indicates that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between money supply and stock market, but there is no long-term equilibrium relationship between interest rate and stock market due to interest rate control system. 通过协整检验分析表明,货币供应量与股票市场存在长期均衡关系,但由于实行利率管制制度,利率与股票市场不存在长期均衡的关系。